The Builder

fuzzy finder

fzf, or “fuzzy finder,” is a command-line tool that allows users to quickly search and filter items from lists, making it ideal for publishers who deal with a variety of files, documents, and large directories. For publishers, managing an extensive collection of assets like drafts, graphics, stylesheets, and templates can be daunting. fzf streamlines this process by allowing instant search and selection based on partial input, which reduces the need to remember exact filenames or complex directory structures. This tool helps publishers maintain a smoother workflow by allowing them to quickly access files from anywhere in their file structure.

In terms of efficiency, fzf can be integrated with other command-line tools to simplify tasks such as moving, copying, or organizing files. Publishers often need to check documents against templates, compare edits, or merge versions; fzf combined with tools like vim or git enhances these processes. For instance, a publisher could use fzf to filter through thousands of files to locate a specific chapter draft, immediately opening it in an editor or performing version control commands on it. This eliminates the friction of navigating complex folder structures and reduces errors from opening the wrong files.

An example use of fzf might involve quickly finding and editing a particular article draft:

# Search for a file in the "articles" directory and open it in Vim
vim "$(fzf --query='article_2023')"

Another common use case is to locate recent files and move them to a “final drafts” folder:

# Find recent files and move them to a "final_drafts" directory
ls -lt | fzf | xargs -I {} mv {} final_drafts/

These examples illustrate how fzf can save time and improve accuracy in managing and organizing files, especially in publishing environments where efficiency is key.